Update and AI Generated Movie Posters

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve made a post, but in my defence I’ve been preoccupied with two things. First of all I’m working on a HUGE Blade Runner article (Which I may have to break down into chapters or something as it’s already 5000 words). I’m almost done with it, but before I could finish I discovered AI generated art and then basically lost an entire month.

The AI in question is Midjourney and so to keep you entertained for a bit here are a few fake movie posters I created with the AI. Mostly done in a Mondo style (Which apparently means lots of red).

Mobius 2 – It’s Morbin’ Time!
Batman Vs Predator
John Carpenter’s Escape From Mars
Robocop Vs Terminator
Spaceballs 2 – The Search For More Money
Speedball – Brutal Deluxe
The Environmentalist – A horror film about a psycho that kills people for having a large carbon footprint
Nicholas Cage is THE SAUSAGER!

There’s a story behind each of these, but that is for another time. This is only a fraction of what I’ve been wasting the AI’s processing power with. You can see how this is distracting. Anyway, the Blade Runner article will be with you within a week, so keep an eye out.