Skynet 3.0
Time for the final part of my Terminator movie pitch (Part ONE and TWO here). This is the one that every Terminator fan wanted to see ever since the first film came out. How John Connor lead the resistance to defeat Skynet. This is the story that Salvation messed up by taking the focus away from John. This is, at long last, his story and moment to shine. In some ways though it’s the easiest entry since we have a start point and an end. That ending of course is the beginning of the original film. A twist that I would have tried to keep under wraps but have been upfront about for this article. A lot of the fine details here, are not so important for this article, so we’ll skip a lot.
Thanks to his work in the previous movie John has an active global communication system. He’s been able to inform survivors of what they are up against and what to expect. While he no longer has Sarah or Kyle with him, he has their knowledge and their strength. Both likely will make appearance in flashbacks, especially Sarah in her last days. Sarah will have died from the radiation in Skynet’s core, but not before passing on a few motivational words. With this he able to turn things around. Originally Skynet caught the humans by surprise and mostly wiped them out before they were able to organise themselves. This time though they are ready to fight back and with their communication system organise on a large scale.

Rise of a Nemesis
With no information in it’s database about John Connor, Skynet becomes frustrated with his successful resistance. The AI forms a deep emotional hatred for John and this provides the resistance with a weakness to exploit. This gives the story an extra layer. Perhaps the job of “The chosen one” is really just about focusing the attention of your enemy. The truth is no one man could stop Skynet, but one man certainly can distract it. The strength of the resistance forces the AI to come up with new tactics. This includes the Terminator infiltration and assassination units (It pursues this instead of microbots/swarm technology).
As Skynet becomes more desperate it is able to recover some of the deleted files left by the Swarm. Amongst the data is the design for Dyson’s time machine. Potentially the data is incomplete and has to be extracted from this timelines Dyson, but that depends on if we want a hybrid Dyson Terminator running around (Could be fun). From here, I think you can guess where it goes. Obviously during the story John meets Kyle again and this John did know the man growing up. That changes the dynamic, but John decides to keep their history from Kyle. When faced with a Terminator being sent back in time to kill his mother however, he realizes it has gone full circle and makes the call to send Kyle back.

Skynet’s Tactics
The difficulty with time travel is how the rules deal with paradoxes. If we are looking at alternative timelines, Skynet can’t actually change it’s present. When Dyson developed his machine, he was desperate and perhaps felt any chance was better than none. Skynet however would have a more logical approach and likely considered he’d not impact his own fate. So Skynet has two possible motivations. First of all as an AI perhaps it doesn’t consider alternative versions of itself to be separate entities, so if one survives that is all that matters. The second choice is perhaps more tactical.
We could have Skynet not just plan to send the T800 to kill Sarah Connor but also have it place within the Terminators CPU a compressed version of itself. See, Skynet would predict that whether the Terminator succeeded or not, it would leave it’s technology in the past and that would likely jumpstart an AI project. Since the scientists of the day would barely understand the tech, Skynet could leave a fragment it’s own program as a sort of Trojan so once they created an AI with that technology this Skynet would automatically merge with it. This would give it a technological and tactical advantage. The kind of thing that leads to developing a T1000 Terminator.

Smashing The Defence Grid
While we basically know what happens here, we have a few details to take care of. The “Defence Grid” for me represents a network Skynet uses to control its machines around the globe. This can be the same network that John hacked to give the resistance a chance. Taking it down requires an assault on Skynet’s control centre. With that gone Skynet only has control of a few of it’s units and cannot create more. The trick here is making sure we set things up so that both sides can only send one fighter back into the past: The T800 and Kyle Reese.
Perhaps fearing Skynet will send more back, the resistance sabotage the device. With Terminators bearing down on them they can only spare one fighter. That dealt with we could end on John having a final conversation with Skynet. With the time machine destroyed Skynet reveals it’s actual plan knowing John can’t stop it. John destroys the AI, but is left wondering “What about the next time?”

The End…
One of the fun things with the titles of these movies is that each version of Skynet is actually represented. Skynet 3.0 refers to the one that is effectively created by sending the T800 back. It’s worth noting that this new Skynet probably would have won the war if not for its obsession with John Connor. This obsession lead it to send it’s top weapon (The T1000) back to destroy him. In doing so it gave humanity a chance to reroll the dice once again (Depending on your view of causality at least). After the events of T2, it’s worth noting the Cyberdyne scientist/CEO and original Skynet creator would still be on the table. To emphasize that we could throw in a post credit scene, set after the events of T2. I like the idea of dropping in scenes from the first two movies in the credits as part of that build up.

Where Next?
This trilogy would open the door to either continue this timeline (Perhaps by leaving Skynet still active or at least some of it’s minions) or to return to the world post T2. However it doesn’t need to do either. The ending can be more definitive and the post credit scene (If included at all) can just as easily be considered a nod to why the events of T3 and Salvation happened despite the events of T2. While I feel it is important to repair the damage done to the franchise at the roots, after that it would be interesting to make a more radical shift.
Since this trilogy would give a clear break from Arnold and a rest from the T800, the next film after the Skynet trilogy could return to focusing on the T800, but with a new actor in the role (Moving forward they shouldn’t rely on one actor as a recurring T800). The story then would shift to a new time period. Either Skynet is trying to alter a part of history (or seed it’s creation in multiple timelines) or the time machine just doesn’t work as well as previous thought and occasionally a T800 ends up in Feudal Japan or something like that.

A New Beginning?
Alternatively we could see a future where Skynet was just shut down due to humanity figuring out the danger it presented. That Skynet could be re-activated but without control of nukes or large scale construction facilities it has to be a lot more covert in trying to end humanity. Perhaps that Skynet has access to a T800 from a different timeline that ended up stranded. There are plenty of potential stories to tell that would be very different from what we’ve seen so far. What if some time after defeating Skynet aliens invaded Earth and the only way to fight them was to reactivate some Terminators?
The point is, you have time travel, you have robots, cyborgs and AI and you don’t really have any limitations within science fiction. There are always new stories to tell, you just need the imagination to tell them and the bravery to break away from the T2 template.

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